Leaving Dyson Parking lot
SCAD softball getting prepared in the Dallas airport to fly to LA to catch our 14 hour flight. All smiles and giggles anticipating our weeklong adventure.
The Sydney Harbor Bridge-seen on the way home.
Team grabbing a bite to eat at the local market.-Don't they look happy!!!!!?????!?!?
Beautiful beach-Courtney and Krista were the only two to brave the rough waves and swim in uncharted waters.
grabbing lunch-eating a meat pie-an Australian delicacy
The local pool that lies right next to the ocean!!!! WOW! awesome views
After 24 hours of travel, three flights, two layovers, and a ton of packing, SCAD softball has finally arrived down under. For most of the fourteen hour flight we slept on the hugest aircraft that we'd ever seen. Our airplane was two stories!!!!!!!, and actually served us real food! But after being on the plane for so long it was a relief to land in a beautiful place such as this. The William's family was there to greet us with open arms as we loaded up into a bus that took us to their residence about an hour a way. On the drive home we saw just some of the amazing things Sydney had to offer and couldn't believe that people drove on the wrong side of the road. Once we all settled in we grabbed a bite to eat down at the local market and some of us walked to the local beach. The beach was absolutely stunning!-We explored tide pools, went swimming, took pictures, and had a blast. The rest of the day included down time and us getting used to Australian time. We could not be more grateful for the William's family hosting our excursion and providing us an amazing place to stay. We are also very grateful to all our sponsors, family, and friends for helping us to get to this place.
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